The term soft skills have many definitions floating around the web. A standard dictionary definition identifies it as “desirable qualities for certain forms of employment that do not depend on acquired knowledge: they include common sense, the ability to deal with people, and a positive, flexible attitude.” Now the challenge is, soft skills are not genetic nor taught in tertiary institutions. They actually come with time from gained previous experiences or from reading. These days soft skills have different coined terms: Power skills, durable skills, human skills, people skills, durable skills and E.Q.
As the world shifts towards the digital economy, employees with concise knowledge and ability to perform at the workplace plus comprehend the importance of interpersonal skills are in demand. This would be from performing regular office tasks like being an active team player or the ability to lead a team well, conducting effective meetings, delivering high-end presentations or even during clientele visitation to closing sales deals. Individuals with the right skill set and knowledge can benefit from the integration with the rapid economic globalisation comparatively to the those, who will be unquestionably left behind.