There are many ways to retain our memory and enhance our brain performance. For success people, take good care our brain is one of the secret to be successful in what we do and achieve the goals in life. It is important to ensure our performance on track and we took the action to produce better results in life. There are few ways to enhance your action and produce great results, which are:
The 2 minutes hack
For anything that takes less than 2 minutes, do not even let the thought of doing later take over your mind. Our mind of the tricks us by overestimating the amount of time and energy that doing a simple task would take. Example – small stuff like keeping things in place and switching things off. Tell yourself that this will take next to no time and do it immediately.
The 5 minute rule
I first heard this in a talk by Mel Robbins. When your mind tells you to put it off for later – count backwards from 5 to 0, and stand up. Get up and immediately and force yourself to do the task.
It will get much easier once you get into the habit of gaining small victories over your mind. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – do not think about anything else and just get up, and do not let yourself think about anything else that moment. Example – going for a week, cleaning your room.
Beginning is hard, doing it is easy
Doing things like cleaning up, working out, writing, studying etc. is not actually that hard. Starting the task is much harder than the actual process of doing the task. Getting yourself to go to the gym is half battle, getting started is what’s hardest. But often, the motivation kicks in only after you start doing something, instead of procrastinating. So even without motivation- just force yourself to do the bare minimum of the task, tell yourself that you will try doing it just for a few minutes first, after that if you still do not feel like doing it, you will stop. In all likelihood, you will feel like continuing once you start as you would have built up some momentum by then by doing the hardest part (starting).