The Power of Love Humanology Editorial Board 

To be successful and balanced, we all need love. The definitions of love take several forms and each may be expressed differently. There are three common types of love. They are eros, philia, and agape.  Eros is the term used to discuss romantic love. Philia is reciprocal loving. Each can be presented as quality love. […]

Body Language Analysis of The Malaysia Prime Ministry Speech on 10 October 2022

Body Language Analysis of The Malaysia Prime Ministry Speech on 10 October 2022 Please have a look of the video: The following are some observation can be shared in based on nonverbal communication. A downward glance to the right shows that the individual is reading the script from a teleprompter. The overall presentation is […]

Humanology Dilantik Sebagai Rakan Strategik Jabatan Tenaga Manusia

February 18, 2025 Kami dengan penuh rasa sukacita ingin mengumumkan bahawa Humanology Sdn Bhd kini telah diiktiraf secara rasmi sebagai rakan strategik Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (JTM), sebuah jabatan penting di bawah Kementerian Sumber Manusia Malaysia. Pengiktirafan ini bukan sahaja menandakan satu langkah besar dalam perjalanan kami tetapi juga menegaskan peranan penting yang akan dimainkan oleh […]