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- Boosting Your Business Through PsychoDesign
Boosting Your Business Through PsychoDesign
Category: Books
The quote, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which Half.” By John Wanamaker, father of modern advertising and a pioneer in Marketing capture our interest to venture into this book “Boosting Your Business Through PsychoDesign”
There are many books written on neuromarketing. Those books have been widely used to improve and optimise marketing material such as brochure, postal, leaflet, digital content and product packaging from the result of neuroscience research and theories to study consumer behaviour to strengthen branding and marketing. The findings reveal that feelings and emotions play an important role to influent consumers’ purchase decision. Most large enterprises including Google, Tesco and Coca-cola applying Neuromarketing into their marketing strategies because they believe Neuromarketing is a scientific proven method which can be effectively enhance and improve their marketing strategies and boost profitability in the end. This book is far beyong neuromarketing because this book applies psychological and consumer behaviour concept into the 3E Principle – Effectiveness, Efficiency and Economic to boost up the organisation productivity through psychodesign.
In designing industry, Psychodesign methodology is applied to generate brain friendly adverting and marketing material. Neuro Design applying Neuromarketing design theories and recommendations, and describes insights from the growing field of neuroaesthetics that will enable readers to enhance customer engagement with their website and boost profitability.
This book is devided into two sections. In the first section focusing on the principle of psychology and consumer behaviour. Concept of NeuroDesign is introduced to enable reader to appreciate the application of neurodesign. By going through this book, NeuroDesign will be introduced in details, explanation and examples will be provided to apply NeuroDesign into designing to enhance advertising and marketing strategy. The introduction and definition of NeuroDesign will be discussed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, the methodology of NeuroDesign will be explained. Chapter 3 will talk about the benefits and effectiveness of NeuroDesign. The relationship between designing and NeuroDesign will be discussed in Chapter four. In the second sections, readers will have hands-on practical experience how to apply neurodesign in different marketing collateral different examples of NeuroDesign will be shown in last chapter.
This book is suitable to be used as the main reference for marketers, designers and anyone who wish to apply NeuroDesign in their marketing activities. By applying effective NeuroDesign, organisation is able to boost the productivity and reduce waste during marketing activities.